Sunday 23 August 2015

黄汉伟 : 让学生参与国庆庆典,槟州教育局应收回禁令

Upacara penghormatan pagi ini kepada Lim Su See


SUNGAU PUYU - Upacara penghormatan pagi ini kepada jasad terakhir, Lim Su See, 52, yang terkorban dalam tragedi ledakan bom di Bangkok pada 17 Ogos lalu turut disertai oleh Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Sungai Puyu, Phee Boon Poh.

Wong Hon Wai selaku Setiausaha Politik kepada Ketua Menteri, Y.A.B. Tuan Lim Guan Eng serta Ahli Parlimen Batu Kawan, P. Kasthuriraani turut sertai majlis tersebut.

"Saya juga ingin merakamkan takziah kepada keluarga mangsa korban, serta mereka yang tercedera dalam insiden tragedi di Bangkok itu," kata Boon Poh yang juga Exco Kebajikan & Masyarakat Penyayang dan Alam Sekitar kepada wartawan di kediaman waris Su See di sini.

Difahamkan, beberapa bahagian jasad Su See sah ditemui kemudian, selepas empat mangsa korban terbabit dibawa pulang ke negeri ini.

Semalam, jenazah Lee Tze Siang, 35 dan Lee Jing Xuan, 4, telah dibakar dalam suatu upacara penghormatan terakhir di Tanah Perkuburan Cina Jalan Berapit dekat Bukit Mertajam.

Jasad Su See pula akan disemadikan di Tanah PerkuburanSungai Lembu pada tengah hari ini, disusuli dengan upacara penyemadian dua mangsa korban lain, Lim Saw Gaik, 49 dan Neoh Jai Jun, 20, dalam suatu upacara berasingan jam 2.00 petang nanti ke tanah sama.

Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, Guan Eng yang juga Ahli Parlimen Bagan sebelum ini menyumbang RM10,000 kepada kesemua lima mangsa korban terbabit.

Konsul Jeneral Thailand di Pulau Pinang, Ekajit Kraivichien pula pada majlis sama menyerahkan pampasan dari Kerajaannya, sebanyak RM45,902.38 (400,000 Baht) kepada setiap keluarga mangsa terbabit.

Mangsa yang cedera dalam serangan itu pula turut mendapat bayaran pampasan maksimum RM11,475.59 (100,000 Baht) bagi menampung kos perubatan dan hospital di negara jiran tersebut.

Hundreds turn up to pay last respects to Su See

Posted on 23 August 2015 - 05:45pm
Last updated on 23 August 2015 - 06:28pm

Thursday 20 August 2015

GTWHI will work with artist Zacharevic to save his vandalised murals

The Rakyat Post
Published August 20, 2015  10.49am

ZALINAH NOORDIN By Zalinah Nordin 


Cars and shops as well as murals along Campbell Street and Armenian Street were spray painted with '#4.0' in yellow. One of the murals was by Zacharevic called 'Little Children on a Bicycle' which has drawn droves of tourists to the site to pose with the 3D art piece. — TRP pic by Adib Hakim

GEORGE TOWN, Aug 20, 2015:
The vandalising of murals in the heritage enclave of George Town, one of of which was by Lithuanian artist Ernest Zacharevic, should not have happened if there was an appreciation for arts, a heritage conservation expert says.
George Town World Heritage Incorporated (GTWHI) general manager Lim Choo Ping described the act as “very sad and such a waste as the mural was not only a tourist attraction but also something which evokes childhood memories in many”.
“The GTWHI will contact Zacharevic ro see if there is any way we could salvage his painting and get rid of the yellow paint.
“The act of vandalising goes to show the lack of appreciation and lack of respect for works of art,” said Lim when contacted.
Yesterday, cars, shops and murals along Campbell Street and Armenian Street were spray painted with ”#4.0” in yellow.
One of the murals was by Zacharevic, called “Little Children on a Bicycle”, which has drawn droves of tourists to the site to pose with the 3D art piece.
Police have already obtained a closed-circuit television camera (CCTC) of the suspect.
Meanwhile, on Instagram, Zacharevic put up a picture of his vandalised artwork and coolly wrote, “It’s amazing to be a spectator of your own artworks life… This piece has experienced more in last couple of years than most of the people in their entire life. Let the scars and wrinkles tell the story.”
Meanwhile, Air Itam assemblyman Wong Hon Wai, who is also political secretary to Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, said that the murals are the pride of Penangites.
“This is an act of vandalism which is really frowned upon.
“I pray that it could be saved and restored to its original state and that the police could trace the perpetrator and punish the person accordingly,” he said when contacted.
There are altogether eight murals by Zacharevic in Penang in the heritage enclave such as “Children in a Boat” and ”Little Girl in Blue”.
Zacharevic ‘s murals have been around in Penang since 2012 in conjunction with Penang Georgetown Festival since 2012.


刊登于《人民邮报》 20-8-2015 @ 1:08PM



刊登于《光华日报》 2015年8月20日