Thursday 22 March 2018


Gerakan's Loo whacked for asking why the rush to down posters


 (Updated )

Penang Gerakan acting Youth chief Jason Loo (photo above) has been chided for asking the state government why his party's anti-Lim Guan Eng posters were taken down in a hurry.

Penang Island city councillor Chris Lee Chun Kit said the posters damning the chief minister were taken down as one must respect both public and private properties.

"The posters were put up indiscriminately all over the place, on walls, street lamps and even on signs," Lee said.

"Is this the behaviour of a civilised political party that seeks the mandate of the electorate?

"By making a mockery of existing laws that were enacted to protect the people in the first place?" Lee asked in a statement today.

Lee was referring to Loo's remark yesterday that the Penang government had not handled the illegal hill clearing on Bukit Relau, dubbed ‘Botak (bald) Hill’.

Six hundred posters were put up by BN on Sunday night to remind Penangites of Lim's alleged 51 empty promises after taking office in 2008.

"Loo should know that the Penang government has taken action on the illegal tree clearings within our available powers," Lee said.

"Gerakan, being part of the ruling BN federal coalition, should question why federal agencies are not taking any action on the people who illegally cleared the trees?

"Gerakan should stop spinning and repeating nonsense."

‘Loo contradicting himself’

Lee said while Loo condemned the Penang Pakatan Harapan administration for not being green enough, he has vowed to put up more posters if the state government remain mum on the posters, which stated that in his 10-year rule, Lim had yet to fulfil 51 empty promises.

Lee said Loo was contradicting himself when he issued the statement.

"Talk about contradiction. Isn't it bad enough that Penang was given the nickname of ‘Darul Sampah’ during the rule of Gerakan with the rest of BN?" Lee asked.

"Does Gerakan intend to return Penang to the ‘Darul Sampah’ days by flooding the state with posters that clog up the beauty of our beloved state?"

Meanwhile, Air Itam DAP assemblyperson Wong Hon Wai (photo) said the BN has shown that it has run out of ideas by putting up the posters, which state BN chief Teng Chang Yeow said was a "dry run" for the GE14.

Wong said Penangites are not blind and can judge which party has done more work for the state and which one was merely "making noises like an empty vessel".

"Penangites can tell the difference between good and bad."

Wong asked Loo why he had remained silent during the 2013 general election when BN had flooded Penang with daily dinners, which were funded by the pro-BN 1Malaysia NGO.

Loo was then contesting in the Air Itam state seat against Wong, who won the seat in 2013.

"There were also poster wars during the time where BN flags were seen everywhere, even on burial grounds in Paya Terubong," Wong said.

"If BN wants to repeat the same strategy, it is up to the people to decide," he added.

Wong claimed that in the past 10 years, the state government under Harapan had successfully completed many public projects.

He denied that there were many projects that were not carried out as these were waiting for funds from the BN federal government.

"Some initiatives were not continued as they were not practical for now, others needed time to be implemented.

"We have resolved many problems left by BN in 2008, including thousands of houses abandoned by the then BN administration, like the housing projects in Taman Cemerlang (Bandar Baru Air Itam), Majestic Height (Paya Terubong), Desa Aman (Relau) and Bayu Aman (Teluk Air Tawar)," Wong added.

Monday 12 March 2018

Penang folk hope for a Pakatan govt in Putrajaya

Looi Sue-Chern
THOUSANDS of Penang folk gathered at the Esplanade in George Town last night to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Pakatan Harapan rule.
As they listened to Penang and national PH leaders’ speeches, many hoped that the next elections would deliver another change – this time at the federal level.
“I believe many people want change at the federal government. Change has to come,” said K. Mohan from Datuk Keramat one the thousands at the mega-ceramah. 
The 60-year-old retiree, who used to work in finance, admitted he supported the opposition and wanted to see PH take Putrajaya.
“There is only so much a (PH) state government can do with its little power. I hope PH will make it to Putrajaya this time.”
Mohan said he is worried about the corruption that continues to plague the country, despite all the talk and work to fight it.
“The problem started long ago, when Dr Mahathir (Mohamad) was in power. It is good he now realises the problem and is willing to do something about it now.
“But it has been going on for so long. It is hard for them to change now.”
Cleaning up Putrajaya
Mohan’s other concern is possible election manipulation in the 14th general election to keep Barisan Nasional in power.
“I also hope Dr Mahathir will be in good health to face the electiosn. The opposition needs him.”
Dr Mahathir, 92, who was prime minister from 1981 to 2003 when he was with BN, is now heading the opposition as PH and Bersatu chairman. He is also PH’s candidate for interim prime minister.
Technician Khoo Khay Kheng, 50, said Dr Mahathir would be the right person to head the PH federal government.
“Many of the problems in this country started from his time in government. He was too powerful then.
“I never expected him to join the opposition, but since he is now, he should be the one solving the problems if PH gets to Putrajaya,” said the man from Jelutong.
Another Datuk Keramat resident Omar Khan Kassim, 65, also wanted to see change at the federal level.
“I felt the same way in the last general election. 
“Now, we really should change the federal government so the people can live better,” he said, citing the rising cost of living as the reason for his growing unhappiness with the BN government.
“When Dr Mahathir was PM for more than 20 years, the people did not face such hardship.
“After BN implemented GST (goods and services tax), everything became more expensive. It is a lie that GST is saving us.
“The people pay GST everyday. The government collects RM40 billion (a year) but only gives a little to help the people face the rising cost of living,” the retired trader said.
PH has pledged to scrap GST within 100 days of winning Putrajaya.
Rohana Abdul Razak, 33, from Bukit Gedung is also open to having a new federal government.
“I am curious to see what the opposition can do if it takes Putrajaya. It is only for five years. If we don’t like how they perform, we can vote back the old one.”
Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng led the celebrations marking the 10th anniversary of Pakatan Harapan rule. – The Malaysian Insight pic by Seth Akmal, March 12, 2018.
Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng led the celebrations marking the 10th anniversary of Pakatan Harapan rule. – The Malaysian Insight pic by Seth Akmal, March 12, 2018.
Praise for Penang govt
On the DAP-led Penang government, in power since 2008, the general feeling among the people is that it has done well in most areas.
Rohana, Omar and Khoo all praised the state for handing out annual welfare aid to various recipients like single mothers, newborns, students, senior citizens and others.
Khoo said his parents and friends all benefitted from the aid, even though the amount is not big.
“In the past, there was no such thing. I think it is a good start for PH.”
Khoo said the state government is also the first to introduce policies like no plastic bags at shopping outlets.
“They are trying to introduce positive changes that can move us forward. It is a good sign. Good for democracy, too.”
Mohan also said he was happy with the infrastructure improvements although it should stop hill developments.
“I am concerned. We had some flash-flood problems. I believe that hill developments have some impact.”
Rohana hoped the state could be more lenient on small traders who wanted to operate by the roadside at places like the Esplanade and Gurney Drive promenades, which are popular with visitors.
“When BN was in power, they were allowed to. But under PH, they can’t. They also can’t get a licence.
“So, these places are quieter these days. Maybe the state can consider this,” she said. – March 12, 2018.


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