Wednesday 10 December 2014

Pothole free roads in Air Itam

As reported in New Straits Times Online
10 DECEMBER 2014 @ 8:06 AM

Wong Hon Wai (right) conducting a coring test in Jalan Shaik Madar

GEORGE TOWN: The state government has repaired 30 roads in Air Itam.
Air Itam assemblyman Wong Hon Wai said the resurfacing and repair work, which started in June, cost RM681,000.
He said the work was carried out in four phases and was completed last week.
“The safety of motorcyclists is our main concern. Many roads in Air Itam were full of potholes and there have been many accidents involving motorcyclists because of the poor road condition.
“We are happy that we have completed the task of ensuring all roads in the area are safe to use,” he said after attending coring tests in Jalan Shaik Madar recently.
Twelve tests were conducted on various road stretches.
Results showed that the thickness of the roads was 60mm, which exceeded the standard thickness of 40mm.
The road works was funded by the state government, while the state Public Works Department carried out the repair and resurfacing works.
Northeast District assistant engineer Abdul Razak Osman said the roads would not require repairs for another five years. By Jennifer Tham

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