Tuesday 8 December 2015

PKR 5 must account for betrayal of trust – Wong Hon Wai

The Malaysian Insider
Published: 8 December 2015 8:42 PM

I refer to the attacks on Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng's criticism that the Penang state government had been "stabbed in the back" by the five Penang PKR state assemblymen led by PKR party whip Ong Chin Wen, Lee Khai Loon, Dr T, Jayabalan, Cheah Kah Peng and Dr Norlela Arifin for abstaining on the Umno motion on land reclamation in the Penang state assembly last month.
Unfortunately the chief minister’s explanation of being "stabbed in the back" was never given full coverage by the BN-controlled mainstream media and some Chinese newspapers.
The chief minister was upset that the five PKR state assemblymen (PKR 5) had never voiced their views or objections to the state government’s position, at a pre-council meeting attended by Penang Pakatan Harapan state assemblymen held before the state assembly meeting.

During that meeting, the chief minister discussed all matters in the state assembly meeting and when he announced that the government would oppose Umno's motion, there was neither objection nor dissension from the PKR 5.

However on the reclamation motion by the Umno assemblyman, no one objected to the chief minister’s announcement to oppose Umno's motion or mentioned that they intended to abstain.
Neither did the PKR 5 speak during the state assembly debate on the Umno motion. The Penang state government only knew of their intention to abstain during the voting process itself.

Breaking away from the agreed decision during the pre-council meeting without notifying their own government is a betrayal of trust no different from a stab in the back.
If the PKR 5 wanted a free vote, why fail to bring it up during the pre-council meeting? The chief minister would have definitely discussed this and considered their request.

Why did the PKR 5 go back to what they had agreed on during the pre-council meeting? By now using the excuse of a vote of conscience for abstaining, are the PKR 5 implying that their four colleagues who voted against Umno's motion have no conscience?

This betrayal of trust by the PKR 5 is seen as a pre-planned move involving an unnamed PKR national leader that excluded the four PKR assemblymen who voted against the Umno motion, namely Penang Deputy speaker Datuk Maktar Shapee, and the three PKR excos of Deputy Chief Minister 1 Datuk Mohd Rashid Hasnon, Datuk Abdul Malek and Dr Afif Bahardin.
Further racial sentiments have been used against the chief minister as anti-Malay, even though he was defending the four PKR Malay assemblymen holding government posts against the PKR 5 who were mostly non-Malay.

Penang Pakatan Harapan opposed Umno's motion because the Penang state government faced the risk of bankruptcy if land reclamation projects approved by the previous state government were postponed.
Even though the previous state government had approved 3,241 acres of reclaimed land, only 744 acres were fully reclaimed. Reclamation of the remaining 2,497 acres were about to begin, and if this new land reclamation was postponed, compensation to the tune of RM1 billion might have to be paid.

The chief minister had outlined the bitter and painful experience of paying RM14.7 million (still unrecovered) for the Tang Hak Ju land scandal incurred by BN and another RM20 million to Boustead Holdings Bhd for reducing the height of their hotel in George Town to five storeys from the 12 storeys approved by BN.

If these payments are bad, the worst is yet to come. All these payouts are nothing compared to legal suits faced by our Pakatan Harapan government involving land scandals of huge proportions committed by the previous BN state government.
The state government is now appealing at the higher courts and we are determined not to allow Penang to go bankrupt.

Bear in mind, despite their defiance and betrayal of trust, the Penang chief minister has not taken any action against the PKR 5, but considers them still part of the state government.
However, the PKR 5 will have to work hard to rebuild the confidence they have lost from the Penang state government after their betrayal of trust. – December 8, 2015.
* Wong Hon Wai is DAP assemblyman for Air Itam and political secretary to the Penang chief minister.
* This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of The Malaysian Insider.

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