Tuesday 5 June 2018

PSM activist detained after protesting eviction of PPR residents

As reported in The Malaysian Insight
Looi Sue-Chern

A Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) activist in Penang was detained by police this morning after he protested the eviction of some residents at the Padang Tembak PPR (people’s public housing) flats. 

PSM central committee member Choo Chon Kai said R. Karthiges was detained along with another man, who is a friend of a resident. 
“They were detained for obstructing public servants (from doing their jobs),” he told The Malaysian Insight. 

Later in the evening, Bukit Bendera MP Wong Hon Wai, whose constituency covers Padang Tembak in Kebun Bunga and who was roped in to assist the detained duo, said they had been released on police bail. 

In late December, Karthiges assisted five families in highlighting their plight after they were ordered to vacate their PPR units at the Padang Tembak flats. 

They had claimed that the state had given them “unreasonable excuses” for their eviction.
It was reported that the state housing authorities had taken action this morning to evict several families when Karthiges and the other man tried to intervene. – June 5, 2018

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