Thursday 28 February 2019

How do we build and sustain peace

Khmer Times
February 28, 2019
Say Tola / Khmer Times

Man Hee Lee, chairman of HWPL. Supplied
A state cannot fully develop socially, economically and politically if there is the no peace. In Asia, different conflicts – for varied reasons and end goals – have become a huge hindrance to attaining total peace. How can countries help build and sustain peace in their own territories and across the region?
The 2019 Southeast Asia Peace Forum aims to answer the question.
On February 21, thousands of youth, women, religious leaders and NGOs came together to discuss practical approaches towards peace building in the region at the Sokha Phnom Penh Hotel.
Participants at 2019 Southeast Asia Peace Forum. Supplied

With the main theme, “Cooperation and Leap for Realisation of Pace”, this year’s peace forum focused on global partnerships for mutual development of peace building measures and highlighted some achievements that Southeast Asia in tackling violence, terrorism and internal conflicts.
Member of Parliament of Malaysia, Mr Wong Hon Wai, emphasised the necessity of international law to promote peace and human rights. He said, “During the last century, we have witnessed numerous armed conflicts and wars. So now we must work together to spread the message of peace, improve the legal framework, and enjoy the result of long-lasting peace.”
Mr Parlindungan Purba, chairman of the Second Session of Regional Representative Council in Indonesia, urged the UN adoption of the declaration of peace and cessation of war (DPCW), saying “We will establish clear and practical plans to increase the number of countries which is supporting the DPCW. There is also a moral obligation to fulfill our mission to urge peace and the DPCW.”

The DPCW was drafted by international law experts which centers on prohibition of the threat and use of force, development of friendly relations, and peaceful settlement of disputes, which have been advocated by ASEAN countries.
Mr Man Hee Lee, chairman of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL), urged the joint efforts for the enactment of the DPCW, “Now we have the answer within the 10 articles and 38 clauses of the DPCW to achieve peace and end the war. Everyone wants peace. The leaders should fulfill their people’s demand. To overcome the barriers that not lead to peace proceed, we all have to put our efforts together. When we are share common goal in building peace, we all can live without fear”.
All the national participants wrote supporting letters for the DPCW, which will be presented to respective national leaders and international organisations to advocate implementation of the declaration.
HWPL is also in close cooperation with Cambodia’s Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport to develop peace education in the local curriculum to involve young Cambodians in building and promoting peace, order and unity in the Kingdom.

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