Thursday 21 March 2019

MQT Question by Wong Hon Wai (Bukit Bendera)

FMT News

No Bumi contractors eliminated from rail development projects, says Loke

Transport Minister Loke Siew Fook.
KUALA LUMPUR: No Bumiputera contractors were eliminated when renegotiating Railway Assets Corporation (RAC) contracts awarded through direct negotiations by the past administration, the Dewan Rakyat was told today.
Transport Minister Loke Siew Fook said the issue of Bumiputera contractors being eliminated did not arise.
“It is just renegotiations. Even in the past, not all were Bumiputera contractors.
“No Bumiputera contractor was eliminated,” he said during question time in the Dewan Rakyat today.
Loke was replying to a supplementary question by Tajuddin Abdul Rahman (BN-Pasir Salak), who asked if any Bumiputera contractors awarded projects through direct negotiations were eliminated after the contracts were renegotiated.
In response to Loke, Tajuddin said the fact that not all contracts were awarded to Bumiputera companies under the past administration showed that Barisan Nasional was being fair, unlike Pakatan Harapan, which he claimed is trying to eliminate Bumiputera contractors.
Loke refuted Tajuddin’s claim, saying that the government did not sideline Bumiputera contractors and it had no issues with Bumiputera companies taking part in the tender process.
To the initial question by Wong Hon Wai (PH-Bukit Bendera) on the RAC’s role in property development along railway lines, Loke said RAC, a federal statutory body, had prepared plans for development of land for the next three years.
These plots of land were in the Klang Valley, Johor and Penang.
“In the initial stage, RAC will carry out market and feasibility studies to identify the potential in developing these properties.
“Subsequently, RAC will offer pre-qualification notices to choose capable companies in terms of experience and finance.
“Pre-qualification conditions will be listed in the notice, and only companies which are successful will be offered a request for proposal,” he said.
Loke added that RAC is also in early stages of negotiations with state governments to encourage the development of affordable housing on railway reserve land near train stations.

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