Wednesday 24 November 2021

Wong Hon Wai Wanted The Ministry To Had Taken To Stem These Price Increases

 FMT / November 24,2021

Wong Hon Wai (PH-Bukit Bendera) also spoke on the price of vegetables when debating on the allocations for the ministry for next year.

He said consumer associations and the public had complained about vegetable prices surging by as high as 200%.

For instance, the price of cauliflower had doubled from RM7 to RM14 per kg, and other vegetables including broccoli, cabbage and red and green chillies had also gone up in price.

Similarly, the price of chicken had also increased from RM8 to RM10 per kg.

Wong wanted the ministry to state the measures it had taken to stem these price increases.

The ministry is expected to give its reply when it wraps up its debate on the Supply Bill.

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