Sunday 26 June 2016

Penang tunnel debate set for Tuesday night

June 26, 2016
State government's Lim Hock Seng and Gerakan's Liang to face off at public forum.


GEORGE TOWN: A public debate on the state government’s proposed undersea tunnel to the mainland has been set for 9pm on Tuesday (June 28) at the Masyarakat Penyayang Complex here.

Taking part will be the state executive councillor for works, Lim Hock Seng, and Gerakan secretary-general, Liang Teck Meng.

The debate, Three Expressways and Undersea Tunnel, would be conducted in the national language, said Wong Hon Wai, political secretary to the chief minister.

“There will be speeches by the two debaters, followed by a question-and-answer session and winding-up speeches,” Wong said.

Liang had disagreed with a suggestion to have a question-and answer session with the public, he said, and hoped Liang would reconsider.

The Gerakan leader had offered to take the place of Penang Gerakan Youth acting leader, Jason Loo, whose call for a debate had been rejected by Lim.

Loo had arranged a venue but Lim failed to turn up, claiming that all the questions posed on the issue had been answered, so there was no need for a debate on it.

Wong said lawyer Lee Khai would be the moderator for the debate which was expected to take two hours. He said Liang had been requested to arrange for the debate to be broadcast live on television.

“I don’t know yet whether a live television broadcast of the debate is possible or not,” he added.

He advised members of the public to come early if they wished to follow the debate as the hall could only accommodate 500 people. A large screen would be put up outside the debate venue to enable others to follow the debate.


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