Thursday 28 November 2019

Government is updating e-Lelong system

KUALA LUMPUR: The government is improving the e-Lelong System infrastructure to ensure the structure runs smoothly before it is implemented comprehensively at the 12 High Courts in peninsula Malaysia next year.
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Liew Vui Keong said the move was undertaken after a pioneer project was implemented at four high courts, namely, the Kuantan, Temerloh, Ipoh and Taiping from 2017.
‘’The Cabinet on May 30, 2017 agreed that the implementation of the pioneer project for immovable public property auction cases at high courts be carried out starting at the Kuantan Court.
‘’Indeed, we are not denying that through the pioneer project there were technical problems since it was started in 2017. So, the government is now in the process of improving the e-Lelong system to ensure it is smooth,’’ he said in a Minister Question Time at the Dewan Rakyat sitting, today.
He said this when answering to a supplementary question from Wong Hon Wai (PH-Bukit Bendera) on the government’s move to overcome weaknesses of the e-Lelong system and assurance to traditional auctioneers when the system was launched fully.
Liew said the e-Lelong system would not affect the activities of the traditional auctioneers on the condition they were registered auctioneers to carry out the work of auctioning immovable public property at the high court.
‘’The government will consider creating a hybrid system. The traditional auctioneers will not be be taken out from the system and can continue their traditional auctioning activities. I guarantee their ‘rice bowl’ will not be affected.
On the campaign to inform the auction through the system to the public, Liew said the ministry would co-operate with the high courts to ensure the auction was known to the public.
‘’I have informed the high court to hold campaigns so that the public will know what is e-Lelong and are aware when there is property is to be auctioned. The ministry is also involved to ensure the public is informed on a large scale,’’ he said.
The e-Lelong system was the first developed in Malaysia to handle online public auctions in real time, which boosts the opportunity of the public to own fixed assets, specifically residential homes at actual prices without price manipulations. - Bernama

The Sun daily / 28 NOV 2019 

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