Wednesday 25 November 2020

Wong Hon Wai called Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi to explain why foreign workers 55% approvals were from special applications

TheVibes / 25 November, 2020

Wong Hon Wai calls on Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi to explain why special approvals were given to 'mediators' and not through normal procedures set at that time.

KUALA LUMPUR – Bukit Bendera MP Wong Hon Wai of DAP today called for an investigation into five lawmakers and a former Dewan Rakyat speaker following the report by the Public Accounts Committee yesterday on government systems built to oversee and handle foreign workers.

Wong said in a statement today that assemblymen Datuk Seri Mohd Alwi Che Ahmad (BN-Kok Lanas) and Mohd Yusof Mohd Nor (BN-Sg Dua), MPs Tan Sri Noh Omar (BN-Tanjung Karang) and Datuk Masir Kujat (PSB-Sri Aman), and former Dewan Rakyat speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin were mentioned in the PAC report.

Wong also named Umno president and Bagan Datuk MP Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, who was home minister at that time, to explain why special approvals were given to “mediators” and not through normal procedures set at that time. 

“I am asking the auditor-general to reveal the names of the ‘mediators’ involved. The names mentioned (in the PAC report) are only the tip of the iceberg,” said Wong.

“The PAC has nine recommendations. Among them includes Item 8.3, which is of the view that ‘mediators’ should not exist in the application of foreign worker quotas to the home minister.”

He also backed the PAC recommendation for the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission to investigate the matter.

The PAC report said 512,315 quotas were approved through special applications to the home minister compared to 416,510 quotas issued under the normal system from 2016 to 2018.

The systems involved were the Human Resources Ministry’s Integrated Foreign Workers Management System and the Home Ministry’s MyIMMs database.

Yesterday, The Vibes also reported that based on the PAC findings, stolen ICs were used to create fake quotas in MyIMMS.

Also found were the high approval of special applications for foreign worker quotas in frozen sub-sectors that were exclusively for Malaysians. 

The PAC report shows that out of the 928,825 foreign quota approvals, 55% were from special applications while 45% were done through normal procedures.

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