Monday 21 December 2020


 亚洲周刊 / 21 DEC 2020

大馬兩州水供之爭掀口水戰 (林友順)


馬來西亞兩個州屬日前因水供問題掀爭議,由伊斯蘭黨控制的吉打州要毗鄰的檳城為抽取位於兩州邊界的慕達河(Sungai Muda)河水每年支付五千萬馬元(一美元兌四馬元),否則他可讓村民堵河流讓河流改道,迫使檳城無法從慕達河抽水。不過,有關索求已被檳城拒絕,兩州也因此掀口水戰,吉打一度恫言讓村民堵河斷水,












Wong Hon Wai: Lampu Isyarat Persimpangan Jalan Mount Erskine dan Persiaran Halia 3 kini beroperasi


Lampu isyarat persimpangan Jalan Mount Erskine – Persiaran Halia 3 kini beroperasi – MP Bukit Bendera

PULAU TIKUS – Pemasangan lampu isyarat di persimpangan Jalan Mount Erskine dan Persiaran Halia 3 menuju ke Pasar Mount Erskine dan kawasan perumahan bertingkat berhampiran bakal memberi kelegaan kepada orang ramai yang sering menggunakan laluan tersebut. 

WONG Hon Wai.

Ahli Parlimen (MP) Bukit Bendera, Wong Hon Wai berkata, pemasangan lampu isyarat itu akan memudahkan orang ramai terutamanya mereka yang berkunjung ke Pasar Mount Erskine atau ke kawasan kejiranan berhampiran. 

“Selain itu, ia memudahkan pengunjung Pasar Mount Erskine yang berjalan kaki untuk menyeberangi ke laluan bertentangan,” ujarnya pada sidang media yang diadakan sejurus menyempurnakan pengoperasian lampu isyarat dengan memetik suiz utama dekat sini, pagi ini.

Hadir sama Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Pulau Tikus, Chris Lee Chun Kit; Ahli Majlis bagi Majlis Bandaraya Pulau Pinang (MBPP), Connie Tan Hooi Peng; Jurutera Kanan Lalu Lintas dan Pengangkutan Awam MBPP, Zainuddin Mohamad Shariff; Ketua Jurutera Elektrik Negeri, Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR), Ir. Mohd. Muzhar Ahmad Tajuddin serta beberapa wakil daripada JKR Daerah Timur Laut.

Mengulas lanjut, Hon Wai memaklumkan bahawa sejak 2019 lagi beliau telah menerima maklum balas dan aduan daripada orang awam yang menghadapi kesukaran untuk memasuki ke Persiaran Halia 3.

Saya harap ini (pemasangan lampu isyarat) bukan sahaja menyelesaikan masalah pengguna jalan raya tetapi juga memberi kemudahan kepada peniaga, pengunjung pasar dan penghuni di kawasan kejiranan berhampiran.

“Kerja-kerja pemasangan lampu isyarat ini bermula pada Ogos lalu dan siap sepenuhnya pada 30 November 2020, dan hari ini (21 Disember 2020) ia beroperasi sepenuhnya di bawah pengawasan pihak berkaitan demi melancarkan perjalanan pengguna jalan raya.

LAMPU isyarat di persimpangan Jalan Mount Erskine dan Persiaran Halia 3 memberi kemudahan untuk pengguna dan juga peniaga di pasar berdekatan.

“Daripada segi kos pula, ia merangkumi kerja-kerja pemasangan lampu isyarat termasuk membangunkan sistem isyarat, menurap dan menanda semula jalan serta kerja-kerja kemasan iaitu RM243,000,” jelasnya.

Dalam pada itu, Chun Kit ketika ditemui memberitahu bahawa lampu isyarat tersebut amat penting bukan sahaja bagi melancarkan perjalanan trafik di kawasan tersebut, tetapi juga demi keselamatan pengguna jalan raya.

“Saya harap pengguna jalan raya dapat mematuhi papan tanda serta lampu isyarat yang dipasang ini dan sentiasa mengutamakan keselamatan,” katanya.

Difahamkan, pemasangan lampu isyarat tersebut bakal memberi manfaat kepada lebih 5,000 penghuni kejiranan baharu di Persiaran Halia 3 serta pengguna jalan raya yang melalui Jalan Mount Erskine menuju ke Tanjung Bunga.

Wednesday 16 December 2020

Wong Hon Wai in the Ministry's Debate asked about Customs Offices as the Detention Centres

 New Straits Times / 16 Dec, 2020

Excise (Amendment) Bill 2020 passed by Dewan Rakyat

KUALA LUMPUR: Issues related to the Customs Department were heavily debated in the Dewan Rakyat today before the Excise (Amendment) Bill 2020 was passed by the House.

The bill, among others, allows the use of Customs Department offices to hold suspects if there is overcrowding at police lock-ups and according to Deputy Finance Minister I Datuk Abd Rahim Bakri, these offices can soon be used as detention centres.

He said suspects will be detained at gazetted Customs Department offices during investigation before the cases are referred to the Attorney General's Chambers (AGC).

"Individuals detained by Customs will first undergo Covid-19 tests according to standard operating procedures (SOP) set by the Health Ministry," he said in his winding-up speech in the Dewan Rakyat today.

Wong Hon Wai (Pakatan Harapan-Bukit Bendera) who participated in the ministry's debate had raised concerns over the use of Customs offices as detention centres and wanted to know if SOPs were being adhered to.

In the bill, a new section was created which gives Customs officers the same powers as a police corporal or a prison officer of the rank of sergeant when escorting and guarding any person in custody.

The new law also gazetted Customs offices that can be used as detention centres and are deemed to be police stations.

On the Customs Department's fight against the country's tobacco black market, Abd Rahim said the department was stepping up its enforcement to stop cigarette smuggling.

"This is why we proposed in the 2021 Budget for cigarettes to be made as a taxable item in all duty-free islands beginning Jan 2021," he said.

Also during the Excise (Amendment) Bill 2020 debates, allocations to recruit "agent provocateurs" to assist investigations and testify in court were heavily criticised by the opposition bloc.

An agent provocateur is a person who commits or who acts to entice another person to commit an illegal or rash act or falsely implicate them in getting involved in an illegal act.

Gobind Singh Deo (PH-Puchong) raised concerns whether the use of agent provocateur services was in line with the Federal Constitution.

He said this was because an agent provocateur could still be prosecuted in court for abetting in a criminal case, apart from it being related to a person's right when on trial in court.

"I just want to know whether this matter has been brought to the attention of the Attorney-General and his advice sought before it was tabled in the Dewan said.

In response, Abd Rahim said the allocation for agent provocateurs was in line with the Federal Constitution, adding that their services were needed by the Customs Department in its fight against smuggling activities in the country.

"Agent provocateur can only carry out their roles if they receive consent from the Customs director-general. No one can simply appoint them.

"We also have the same provision in other Acts concerning agent provocateurs. For example, Section 40 of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 (Act 342) also outlines the role or services of agent provocateur and even their evidence can be accepted in court for prosecution purposes," he said.

Monday 7 December 2020


 光华网 / 20201207

9458人3月至11月 申请出国89%获批

从3月18日至11月19日,移民局接获9458名国人申请出国的申请,其中8379或 88.5%获批。


在外国公民申请入境我国方面,移民局则接获4万7043份申请, 其中3万46份或63.9%的申请获批,另有1万6997或36.1%的申请被拒绝。




他说,有意申请者可以透过移民局网站或 atau提出申请。

Saturday 5 December 2020

Wong Hon Wai ask concerning the situation in Penang Remand Prison in Parliament’s Special Chambers

 The Vibes / 5 Dec, 2020

Prison overpopulation is not limited to Penang Remand Prison, with 60,694 inmates in 339 prisons nationwide exceeding capacity by 30.75%. 

KUALA LUMPUR – As frontliners battle the spread of Covid-19 in the nation's penitentiary system, Penang Remand Prison has exceeded its capacity by 109.36%.

During the Dewan Rakyat Special Chambers on Thursday, Deputy Home Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Said confirmed that based on statistics from the Malaysian Prisons Department on December 2, the number of inmates in Penang Remand Prison is currently at 2,303. 

“This exceeds the actual capacity by 109.36% or 1,203 inmates,” Ismail said.

He said this problem was not limited to Penang and that on December 2, the Prisons Department said that there were 60,694 inmates in 339 prisons nationwide, exceeding capacity by 30.75%.

“However, only 500 positive Covid-19 cases were detected among inmates, and 37 cases among prison employees and their families as of December 2,” he said.

Ismail said that the Prisons Department is working closely with the Health Ministry to stop the spread of the virus.

Steps include placing low-risk inmates in national service camps gazetted as temporary prisons under Section 3 of the Prisons Act 1995.

“This plan also takes into account the needs of the Penang Remand Prison, where former national service camps, including the Bukit Mertajam camp, were gazetted as temporary prisons,” Ismail added.

Additionally, the police have designated 182 lock-ups nationwide as “transit lock-ups” for remand suspects, acting as district screening centres nationwide.

“That said, with standard operating procedures in place, high-risk remand suspects will be separated and not allowed to mingle with the others,” Ismail said.

The deputy minister responded to a question by Wong Hon Wai (PH-Bukit Bendera) in Parliament’s Special Chambers on Thursday concerning the situation in Penang Remand Prison.

Wong had referred to a statement last year by the Prisons Department, which said the remand prison in Penang had exceeded capacity by 45%.

He also asked if the remand prison complies with the United Nation Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners 1995, and how the government planned to reduce congestion in the penitentiary system.

The deputy minister confirmed that the prisons comply with UN standards, and added that the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention visited a few penitentiaries in the year 2010, and raised no doubts towards the treatment received by inmates in Malaysia.

Ismail also said that the International Committee of the Red Cross inspected local prisons and were satisfied with the conditions inmates were in. – The Vibes, December 5, 2020

Thursday 3 December 2020


东方日报 / 3 Dec, 2020

公账会报告揭发政府 2000万非用于飞行车计划





黄汉伟今日在国会媒体室召开的记者会上,引述公账会针对企业及合作社发展部和科学、工艺及革新部的“飞行车计划”的后续行动报告,指出被称作飞行车的“超级无人机”(super drone),并不是企业及合作社发展部的主要项目。

他揭露,大马政府工业高科技集团(MIGHT)通过其作为官联公司的子公司Venture Tech私人有限公司(VTSB),发放了2000万令吉的资金给Aerodyne Venture私人公司(AVSB),主要目的是为了依据投资条约,在赛城建立一个数据处理和研究中心。












 光华日报 / 3 Dec, 2020

AVSB公司所获2千万注资 黄汉伟:非全用在飞行车计划






他说,报告说向 Aerodyne Venture 公司注资2000万令吉与时任企合部部长拿督斯里莫哈末礼端的声明无关联。

“大马高科技工业政府集团透过子公司Venture Tech 在负责飞行车计划的AVSB公司注资2000万令吉,是作为发展在赛城数据处理与研究用途。”




Wong Hon Wai Tahniah kepada PAC Parlimen

Tahniah kepada PAC Parlimen kerana menjalankan tugas untuk memastikan wang awam digunakan untuk tujuan yang sepatutnya

Kenyataan Media Ahli Parlimen Bukit Bendera, Wong Hon Wai pada 3-12-2020
Saya merujuk kepada laporan PAC DR12/2020 yang dibentangkan di Dewan Rakyat pada hari ini yang bertajuk “Tindakan susulan Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi (MEDAC) dan Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (MOSTI) bagi syor-syor Laporan PAC Parlimen”. (

Laporan PAC ini hendaklah dibaca bersama Laporan PAC DR13/2019 bertajuk “Pembangunan Air Mobility”. (

Laporan terkini PAC ini mengesahkan

  1. Super Drone (Kereta Terbang) bukan keutamaan kepada MEDAC. (Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi)
  2. The investment of RM20 million into Aerodyne Venture Sdn Bhd is independent from the statement by (the then) Minister MED (Menteri Pembangunan Usahawan pada waktu itu ialah YB Datuk Seri Mohd Redzuan bin Md Yusof, Ahli Parlimen Alor Gajah).
  3. Pelaburan RM20 juta dari syarikat GLC yang bernama VTSB (Venture Tech Sdn Bhd, anak syarikat milik penuh MIGHT) dalam syarikat AVSB (Aerodyne Ventures Sdn Bhd, sebuah syarikat swasta) adalah khusus untuk pembangunan Pusat Pemprosesan Data dan penyelidikan di Cyberjaya seperti dalam Perjanjian Pelaburan.
  4. Jabatan Audit Negara telah menjalankan audit terperinci ke atas MIGHT (Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology – sebuah syarikat GLC dan tidak wujud isu penggunaaan RM20 juta pelaburan dalam pembangunan ‘kereta terbang’.

Keterangan prosiding bahawa “Investment of RM20 million into Aerodyne Venture Sdn Bhd is independent from the statement by (the then) Minister MED” ini merupakan satu statement yang kuat untuk menafikan statement terdahulu oleh Minister MED yang mengelirukan orang ramai.

Saya ingin mengingatkan kepada Menteri-menteri bahawa due diligence, kajian penuh serta kelulusan penuh perlu dijalankan sebelum pengumuman mana-mana projek besar.

Saya mengingatkan syarikat-syarikat GLC (Government Linked Companies) perlu spesifik dalam urusan pelaburan dan urusniaga mereka dan perlu ada ukuran outcome based dan results oritented untuk memastikan public funding digunakan untuk tujuan spesifik yang produktif.

Saya mengucapkan tahniah kepada PAC Parlimen kerana menjalankan tugas untuk memastikan wang awam digunakan untuk tujuan yang sepatutnya dan bukan atas sesuatu projek yang diragui keberkesanannya.

Wong Hon Wai
Kenyataan media oleh Wong Hon Wai di Parlimen pada hari Khamis, 3 Disember 2020