Thursday 6 April 2017

'Would you accept a rapist as a son-in-law?'

Susan Loone
 (Updated )

"Would you accept a rapist as your son-in-law?" a group of Pakatan Harapan supporters who were rallying in Tasek Gelugor today asked MP Shabudin Yahaya.
They carried placards with words screaming "Kami malu Budin, ooiii", "Bawah umur 16 maknanya (Rape below 16 years old means) "statutory rape", "Undur (Resign) Shabudin" and "Pecat (sack) Shabudin".
They also shouted slogans asking to protect and preserve women's dignity, adding that rape is a crime and that by marrying rapists off to their victims did not solve any problems.
The rally was attended by about 100 members from DAP, PKR and Parti Amanah Negara.
The group, especially women, were outraged that Shabudin had suggested in Parliament that victims should marry their rapist as that could address social problems.
Shabudin also incurred the wrath of his opponents when he said that nine or 12-year-olds who had the body of 18-year-olds were 'physically and spiritually' ready for marriage.
During her speech, DAP Sungai Pinang assemblyperson Lim Siew Khim said the rally was intended to tell the whole world that the group strongly opposed Shabudin's suggestion to address the crime of rape.
"Can a rapist be your husband? Do you agree to have a rapist as your son-in-law?" she asked, and the crowd replied "No!". Someone in the crowd shouted "He must be punished".
"Yes, the perpetrators of the crime must face punishment and law. Not only women oppose Shabudin's statement, but men are also angry, and we do not want an MP like Shabudin," she added.
Penang PKR wanita chief Nur Zarina Zakaria said as a lawmaker, Shabudin should seek stronger punishment for rapists, to deter such crimes.
"He should not be seen as promoting or encouraging rape," she added.
PKR Penang Youth chief Asrol Sani Abdul Razak asked the women who attended the rally "Do you want to marry a rapist?", and they replied in the negative.
"We come here not as members of political parties but as citizens, we want Shabudin to be sacked (as an Umno member)," he added.
Ahmad Fahmi A Bakar, who heads Penang Amanah's Dakwah and Syariah bureau, said Shabudin's remark is not in line with Islamic principles, as suggested by an Umno leader.
"Marrying the rapist will not solve the problem of rape, but may invite more problems for the victim," he added.
He was responding to State Umno Wanita chief Jahara Hamid who urged others to "Please understand our religion and do not misinterpret us".
The Umno Teluk Ayer Tawar assemblyperson said although certain quarters did not accept Shabudin's statement, that was the reality on the ground.
"Shabudin is speaking from experience as he has gone through it," said the state opposition leader, defending Shabudin, who was a former syariah court judge.

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