Tuesday 7 December 2021

Wong Hon Wai asked Azmin To Explain The Issue Of Brought His Family Official Trips Abroad

 The Vibes / 07 Dec 2021

No family members came along on official UK trip: Azmin

Visit to United Kingdom approved by cabinet, complied with rules, says minister

Datuk Seri Azmin Ali says those who went on the official trip to the United Kingdom were required to attend a meeting with the cabinet and present every detail of the delegation list, with total allocations, expenditures, and destination. 

KUALA LUMPUR – Amid controversy over official trips abroad by government officials and ministers, International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Azmin Ali today denied allegations that he had brought his family along with him. 

The issue began after R.S.N. Rayer (Jelutong-PH) questioned Azmin as to whether he brought his family along during an official trip to the United Kingdom. 

However, Rayer was immediately reprimanded by Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Azhar Azizan Harun, where the latter emphasised that the Jelutong MP’s queries were outside the scope of the Budget 2022 committee level debates. 

Wong Hon Wai (Bukit Bendera-PH) then intervened to point out that official trips abroad were in fact detailed in the budget, and the minister should provide an explanation to the queries, prompting Azhar to leave it to Azmin as to whether he would like to answer. 

In response, Azmin slammed Rayer for attempting to shift the focus of debates before explaining that all ministry-sanctioned trips require approval from the cabinet and comply with all financial rules and regulations. 

“Before the trip was approved, we were required to attend a meeting with the cabinet and present every detail of the delegation list, with total allocations, expenditures, and destination.

“These have all been consented to by the cabinet according to the financial regulations and procedures. 

“I deny all the allegations Jelutong had brought up,” Azmin added.


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