Monday 31 July 2017

联邦机构亦有份获“假奖”? 黄汉伟挑战国阵领袖交代


随着槟州两个地方政府为卷入“假奖”风波致歉,槟首长政治秘书黄汉伟如今挑战,国阵领袖针对数个联邦机构同样领取欧洲商业协会(Europe Business Assembly, EBA)颁发的奖项,给予解释。
“联邦行动理事会主席再纳阿比丁(Zainal Abidin Osman)和浮罗勿洞州议员莫哈末法立(Muhammad Farid Saad)曾在这个课题上发表声明批评槟政府,我要挑战他们俩交代此事。”
据他披露,曾领奖的联邦机构包括:国民投资公司(Permodalan Nasional Berhad)、大马森林研究所(FRIM)、伊斯兰科学大学(USIM)、技术大学(UTeM)及玻璃市大学(UniMAP)。
英国媒体近期揭露,乌克兰商人萨夫沃(Anton Savvov)成立的“欧洲商业协会”颁发各种“假”奖项,大马数个政府机构亦曾缴交“行政费”领奖,作为公关和推销用途。
不过为了节省经费, 她们当年选择只身乘坐经济舱到国外领奖。

Penang rep questions federal govt’s silence on EBA awards

 | July 31, 2017

DAP's Wong Hon Wai says federal government should be held accountable for rewards received from the Europe Business Assembly in the past.


GEORGE TOWN: An aide to the Penang chief minister has drawn attention to the silence from federal institutions that received awards from a questionable organisation whose racket was recently exposed in a UK paper.
Wong Hon Wai, political secretary to the Penang chief minister, said that while local councils here had already apologised to the public over the issue, federal agencies had kept mum.
“Zainal Abidin Osman and Muhammad Farid Saad continue to criticise the Penang government but choose to be quiet when federal government agencies are involved in the controversial EBA (Europe Business Assembly) awards.
“Zainal and other Barisan Nasional leaders must be accountable and transparent over the controversial EBA and face the press and public to give out a statement.
“Even the prime minister has congratulated Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia for winning EBA awards as reported on Dec 26, 2013. Why are Zainal and Farid quiet about this?” Wong said in a statement today.
Wong, who is DAP’s Air Itam assemblyman, also questioned the silence from Permodalan Nasional Berhad and the Forest Research Institute Malaysia, both of which had received EBA awards as well.
Farid had been the first to take the Penang Island City Council (MBPP) and Seberang Perai Municipal Council (MPSP) to task for receiving awards from the EBA.
The councils claimed they were unaware that the awards were fake and had paid nearly RM40,000 in joining fees for the award ceremony. They also denied that public funds were used.
Zainal subsequently said it was “weird and awkward” for the councils to say no public funds had been used, demanding that they reveal how the payment was made.
Based on Malaysian news reports, past winners of the EBA’s awards have included three Malaysian public universities: USIM, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia (UTeM) and Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP).
USIM, UTeM and UniMAP received the “Best Regional University” award from the EBA in 2013, according to a report by Utusan Malaysia on Dec 25 that year.
Their vice-chancellors reportedly won “Best Manager of the Year” that year as well.
One of the vice-chancellors was reported to have won “Best Scientist” separately from the EBA’s “Oxford Summit of Leaders Science & Education”.
Meanwhile, another vice-chancellor was reported to have won “The Name in Science” award as well.
According to UK daily The Times, the EBA advertises itself as an Oxford institution to sell “made-up prizes” such as “The International Socrates Award” and “The Queen Victoria Commemorative Award” for prices reaching £9,300 (RM52,000).
The report claimed the EBA outfit was run by Ukrainian businessmen, targeting areas where people had the financial power to buy such accolades.

Agensi kerajaan BN pun terima anugerah palsu EBA

Federal agencies also got fake awards, says DAP leader



A DAP leader has challenged Penang Umno leaders over awards two local councils received from the fake Europe Business Assembly (EBA) which, he claimed, were also awarded to several federal government agencies.

DAP’s Air Itam assemblyperson Wong Hon Wai pointed out that Forest Research Institute Malaysia, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia (UteM) and Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) also obtained awards from the EBA, which were exposed as fraud by British newspaper The Times last week.
“The Penang Island City Council (MBPP) and Seberang Perai Municipal Council (MPSP) have already clarified the matter, and apologised to the public,” Wong, who is political secretary to Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, said in a statement today.
“However, the federal agencies involved in the same matter have yet to clarify their position to the media and the public about receiving the controversial EBA awards,” he added.

Wong said this in response to two Penang Umno leaders, state party chief Zainal Abidin Osman and Pulau Betong assemblyperson Muhammad Farid Saad, who criticised the state’s local councils for allegedly buying the fake awards.
In his statement yesterday, Zainal Abidin (photo) said the DAP-led government failed to implement the CAT (competency, accountability and transparency) principles by receiving the fake awards, adding that this meant the CAT slogan was a “fraud”.

On July 27, Penang BN Youth leaders presented a memorandum and a “fake award” to the two local councils as a symbolic gesture of condemning the two bodies for accepting the EBA awards.
In a video clip on Star TV on July 29, MBPP president Maimunah Mohd Sharif explained that the local councils accepted the award after paying the entrance fees, and apologised for it if the award was not genuine.
Wong slammed BN leaders for practising ‘double standards’, saying Zainal Abidin and Farid chose to chide the state government about it but remained silent about the awards accepted by federal agencies.
He urged Zainal Abidin, Farid and other BN leaders to be accountable and transparent on the issue of the EBA awards, asking them to face the media and public and explain the situation.

He recalled that Prime Minister Najib Razak has congratulated USIM for winning the award and this was reported in the local media on Dec 26, 2013.
“Why haven’t Zainal Abidin and Farid not condemned the PM for this?” Wong asked.
“The same standard by which you criticise (others and the Penang government) should be applied to yourself and to the federal agencies, while the ministers concerned must issue a clarification,” he added.

Agensi pusat juga terima anugerah palsu, kata ADUN DAP

 (Dikemaskini )

Seorang pemimpin DAP mencabar pemimpin Umno Pulau Pinang berhubung anugerah palsu yang diterima dua majlis tempatan di negeri itu.
ADUN Air Itam, Wong Hon Wai berkata, anugerah yang diterima daripada badan meragukan- Europe Business Assembly (EBA)- turut diberikan kepada beberapa agensi kerajaan persekutuan.
Wong berkata Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan Malaysia (FRIM), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia (UteM) dan Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) juga mendapat anugerah daripada EBA, yang didedahkan palsu oleh akhbar The Times, minggu lepas.
"Majlis Bandaraya Pulau Pinang (MBPP) dan Majlis Perbandaran Seberang Perai (MPSP) telah menjelaskan perkara itu dan memohon maaf kepada orang ramai," kata setiausaha politik kepada ketua menteri Pulau Pinang itu dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.
"Bagaimanapun, agensi persekutuan yang terlibat dalam perkara yang sama masih belum menjelaskan kedudukan mereka kepada media dan orang ramai kerana menerima anugerah EBA yang kontroversi," katanya.
Wong berkata demikian sebagai respons terhadap dua pemimpin Umno Pulau Pinang iaitu pengerusi Badan Perhubungan Umno negeri, Datuk Zainal Abidin Osman dan ADUN Pulau Betong, Muhammad Farid Saad, yang mengkritik majlis-majlis tempatan berkenaan kerana didakwa membeli anugerah palsu.

Dalam kenyataannya semalam, Zainal Abidin berkata kerajaan yang diketuai oleh gagal melaksanakan prinsip CAT (Cekap, amanah dan telus) dengan menerima anugerah palsu, sambil menambah slogan CAT itu adalah suatu "penipuan".
Pada 27 Julai, Pemuda BN Pulau Pinang menyerahkan memorandum dan "anugerah palsu" kepada dua majlis tempatan sebagai simbolik untuk mengutuk dua agensi itu kerana menerima anugerah EBA.
Dalam klip video di Star TV pada 29 Julai, Datuk Bandar MBPP Datuk Maimunah Mohd Sharif menjelaskan bahawa majlis-majlis tempatan menerima anugerah itu selepas membayar yuran kemasukan dan memohon maaf jika anugerah itu tidak tulen.

Tiga inisiatif penting manfaat komuniti Air Itam

Wong Hon Wai : Eratkan silaturahim melalui amalan asing sisa di punca


Thursday 27 July 2017


      发表于 2017年7月27日 下午5点47分     更新于 2017年7月27日 晚上7点17分

根据林冠英披露,槟州希盟在首次会议中讨论了如何巩固该政治联盟的架构,以迎接下一届大选。他们也议决,今年9月24日在威省会展中心(SP Arena)召开一项大会。

Monday 24 July 2017


DAP: Masukkan klausa isytihar harta dalam IBR SPRM


Seorang ADUN dari DAP mencabar Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) memasukkan klausa pengisytiharan harta bagi semua wakil rakyat termasuk menteri besar dan exco dalam Ikrar Bebas Rasuah (IBR).
Wong Hon Wai turut mengkritik Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM, Datuk Dzulkili Ahmad kerana kenyataannya mengenai kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang.
Beliau mendakwa Dzulkifli tidak bersikap profesional dan hanya berminat untuk menyasarkan kerajaan Pulau Pinang yang ditadbir DAP.
"Saya cabar SPRM memasukkan klausa bagi pengiytiharan harta bagi semua wakil rakyat dalam ikrar berkenaan," kata ADUN Air Hitam itu dalam kenyataannya hari ini.
Pagi ini, Dzulkifli ditanya berhubung kenyataan Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng yang berkata kerajaan Pulau Pinang tidak dihubungi untuk menandatangani ikrar itu.
"Saya tidak tahu beliau (Lim), kenapa (SPRM) hendak kena jemput pula (buat IBR)? Ini saya tidak pasti, negeri-negeri lain tidak ada pula (tiada jemputan), kenapa Pulau Pinang pula nak kena jemput? hebat betul Pulau Pinang ini," katanya.
Khamis lalu, Lim berkata pentadbirannya enggan menandatangani ikrar itu, dengan mengatakan SPRM tidak menghubungi kerajaan negeri itu untuk berbuat demikian.
Katanya, kerajaan Pulau Pinang akan menandatangani IBR berkenaan jika 10 cadangannya mengenai rasuah turut dimasukkan dalam ikrar itu.
Sementara itu, Wong berkata Dzukifli membuktikan SPRM tidak mengeluarkan surat kepada kerajaan Pulau Pinang bagi menandatangani IBR.
"Sekiranya SPRM telah menulis surat, beliau akan berkata demikian dan memberitahu orang ramai mengenai tarikh surat yang dihantar atau kandungannya," katanya.
Wong menegaskan Pulau Pinang telah menunjukkan komitmennya dalam melaksanakan dasar integriti dalam pentadbiran kerajaannya.

Include clause for all elected reps to declare assets, DAP dares MACC


 (Updated )

A DAP assemblyperson has challenged the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to include a clause on a public declaration of assets for all elected representatives, including menteris besar and executive councillors, in its anti-corruption pledge.

Wong Hon Wai also criticised MACC chief Dzulkifli Ahmad over the latter's remarks concerning the Penang state government.

He claimed that Dzulkifli was not being professional, and appeared to be only interested in targeting the DAP-led Penang government.

“I challenge MACC to include the clause on a public declaration of assets for elected representatives in the pledge," said the Air Itam assemblyperson in a statement today.

This morning, Dzulkifli had asked what is so special about Penang in response to Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng claiming that the state was not invited to ink the pledge.

"I don't know why (chief minister) Lim Guan Eng said he needs to be invited.

“The other states even contacted us about signing the pledge. So why does Penang need to be invited?" he said.

Last Thursday, Lim said his administration was willing to discuss with MACC regarding the pledge.

However, he added that the pledge needed to include 10 items, including an open declaration of assets by the chief minister and state executive councillors, implementation of an open tender system, and that government officials be prohibited from buying state land.

Meanwhile, Wong said Dzulkifli's remarks proved that MACC had not issued Penang a letter regarding the signing of the anti-corruption pledge.

"If MACC had written a letter, he would have said so and told the people about the date of the letter that was sent or its content,” he said.

Wong insisted that Penang has shown its commitment in implementing integrity policies in its government administration.

SPRM dicabar masukkan pengisytiharan harta dalam Ikrar Bebas Rasuah

DAP man proclaims Penang state gov't's integrity policies far superior to MACC's anti-graft pledge


GEORGE TOWN: A DAP lawmaker has claimed that the Penang state government’s integrity standards are higher than that of the Corruption-Free Pledge spearheaded by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).
Air Itam MP Wong Hon Wai said that MACC should actually learn from the state government in implementing its 10 integrity policies.
These policies, he said, have been practised by the state since 2008.
Wong said it includes administration based on the competent, accountable and transparent (CAT) motto, open declaration of assets by the chief minister, state executive councillor and assemblymen as well as not allowing family members to be involved in state government contracts or transactions with the state government.
“Looks like MACC is only interested in making political attacks against the state government but fails to set a high standard for integrity policies.
“I challenge MACC to include a clause for all Chief Ministers or Menteri Besar, state executive councillors, and assemblymen to openly declare their assets in the Corruption-Free Pledge it has spearheaded,” he said in a statement issued today.