Monday 24 July 2017

DAP man proclaims Penang state gov't's integrity policies far superior to MACC's anti-graft pledge


GEORGE TOWN: A DAP lawmaker has claimed that the Penang state government’s integrity standards are higher than that of the Corruption-Free Pledge spearheaded by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).
Air Itam MP Wong Hon Wai said that MACC should actually learn from the state government in implementing its 10 integrity policies.
These policies, he said, have been practised by the state since 2008.
Wong said it includes administration based on the competent, accountable and transparent (CAT) motto, open declaration of assets by the chief minister, state executive councillor and assemblymen as well as not allowing family members to be involved in state government contracts or transactions with the state government.
“Looks like MACC is only interested in making political attacks against the state government but fails to set a high standard for integrity policies.
“I challenge MACC to include a clause for all Chief Ministers or Menteri Besar, state executive councillors, and assemblymen to openly declare their assets in the Corruption-Free Pledge it has spearheaded,” he said in a statement issued today.

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