Monday 24 July 2017

Our anti-graft initiatives better, follow us, Penang ‘taunts’ MACC

 | July 24, 2017

It says MACC can learn from Penang by inviting other states to implement the 10 integrity policies adopted by the state.

PETALING JAYA: The Penang government today claimed the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) can learn a thing or two from the state’s own anti-corruption initiatives.
“In actual fact, MACC has to learn from Penang by inviting other states to implement the 10 integrity policies adopted by Penang,” said Wong Hon Wai, who is political secretary to Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.
“It appears that MACC is only keen on making political attacks against the state government and has failed to set high standards in putting in place the integrity policies,” he said in a statement.
The Penang government has been involved in a spat with the anti-graft body.
MACC chief commissioner Dzulkifli Ahmad today questioned the need to roll out the red carpet to Penang for it to sign the agency’s anti-corruption pledge.
He said unlike Penang, other states had signed the pledge voluntarily.
Wong said the integrity standard of initiatives shown by the Penang government was higher than the anti-corruption pledge by MACC.
He said that since 2008, when DAP first came to power in Penang, it had adopted 10 initiatives to show its commitment to be a corruption-free state.
These included administrative practices based on the competency, accountability and transparency (CAT) principles; the declaration of assets by the chief minister, state executive councillors and state assemblymen; not allowing their family members to be involved in state contracts or have dealings with the state government; and implementing open tenders for projects.
Wong challenged MACC to include a clause on openly declaring assets, to the media and the public, for all chief ministers, menteris besar, state executive councillors and state assemblymen in the pledge undertaken by MACC.
So far, Penang, Selangor and Kelantan have not signed the MACC anti-corruption pledge.
Selangor Menteri Besar Mohamed Azmin Ali said the state has its own approach to address corruption by making it compulsory for all state executive council (exco) members to pledge they do not have any interests in any papers tabled at the council meeting.
He said it was a proactive measure by the state government to address corruption and power abuse among the exco members, as well as board of directors of state government subsidiaries and civil servants.

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