Wednesday 13 May 2015

DAP rep backs Umno's bid to limit Penang CM's term

1:52PM May 12, 2015

Susan Loone

The Penang Opposition's plan to table a motion to limit the term of chief 
minister to two terms has got the support of a DAP assemblyperson.


Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng (photo) is in his second term in the post, 
since 2008, when Penang was seized by Pakatan Rakyat, and Umno wants 
him to give up his post at the end of this term.
Teh Yee Cheu (DAP-Tanjung Bungah) said he will support the motion when 
state opposition leader Jahara Hamid (BN-Teluk Ayer Tawar) tables it again 
in the Penang Legislative Assembly.

Teh has previously discussed the matter in his speeches at the state assembly.
Jahara revealed that the motion was rejected by Speaker Law Choo Kiang due to "technical reasons".
"We were told that a committee needs to be formed to discuss the matter first," 
she told the Dewan Negeri today.
However, Jahara said Penang should debate the motion as the state often boasts 
of being the leader on several fronts.
"Don't give up pushing for the matter," Jahara told Teh.
Teh's show of support for the motion did not go down well with some of his 
colleagues in the DAP.
Air Itam assemblyman Wong Hon Wai said the limiting of terms is only practised 
in the presidential election system like in the United States of America.
He pointed out term limits for the prime minister's post for example, is not 
practised in the United Kingdom.
"This is because the PM can be asked to step down within two days, by calling 
for a vote of no confidence, we do not need to wait for two months," said Wong, 
who is Lim's political secretary.
'No limit in S'pore'

RSN Rayer (DAP-Seri Delima) cited the example of Singapore, which he said 
does not limit the term of its prime minister.

He noted that Singapore is relatively more advanced than Malaysia.
"As long as the leader is capable, sincere and no corrupt, we should support 
him," he added.
Soon Lip Chee (DAP-Jawi) shot back at Jahara (photo): "There is no problem 
with you being a five-term assemblywoman if the people support you".
When asked, Law said Jahara needed to first table a motion to discuss the 
issue of limiting the CM's term in a specific committee under the state assembly.
"This is because her motion is related to the amendments to the state constitution," explained the Bukit Tambun assemblyperson.

Asked later, Teh said that his support is based on DAP's perspective on term 
limits for the state chairman and the secretary-general.
"The DAP's last congress approved the state chairman's position to be limited to
 three terms (or nine years), and about four years back, the secretary-general's 
term was limited to three terms also. On this basis I would support a term limit 
for the CM's post.”
Teh (photo) said Pakatan assemblypersons could also propose the CM's term be limited to 10 years (or two terms) if they do not want to support a motion from Umno.
He added that there were many "silent" supporters for the motion but they may not want to support a motion tabled by the opposition.
"We can be the proposer for the motion to be tabled, and they (Umno) can 
support it," he added.

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