Tuesday 12 May 2015

Penang says ‘no’ to term limit on CM


 | May 13, 2015
Term limits on heads of governments are not practised in parliamentary 
democracies modeled on the Westminster system

GEORGE TOWN: The Democratic Action Party Penang (DAP) has shot down a proposal 
by one of its Assemblymen that the state impose term limits for the Chief Minister on the 
grounds that Singapore, an example, has done well without such a limit.

Term limits on heads of governments are not practised in parliamentary democracies modeled 
on the Westminster system. Air Itam Assemblyman Wong Hon Wai, in pointing this out, said
 the practice to remove a chief minister or prime minister was to introduce a no confidence 
motion in the legislature.

Tanjung Bungah Assemblyman Teh Yee Cheu raised the issue, an old one, during his speech 
in the Assembly on Tuesday. He described it as a “historical development” which had received 
the support of the Opposition in the state. He recalled that the idea has also been proposed 
by the Opposition in Perak which comprised the DAP, PKR and PAS.

The proposal was made by Taiping MP Nga Kor Ming from the DAP.

“Imposing term limits would prevent a chief ministerial or prime ministerial form of 
government,” said Teh.

In the US, there was a presidential form of government, but limited to two terms.

Padang Kota Assemblyman Chow Kon Yeow noted that the motion on the term limit, 
which would be tabled by the Opposition in the state, was only a proposal for discussion.
 He advised Teh not to take the Opposition’s support as an indication the proposal would be 
supported by the Assembly.

However Jawi Assemblyman Soon Lip Chee, in rejecting the idea, said that if a leader was 
doing well, he or she should be retained.

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